Ep. 258 – Grossi/Pozzoli exercise no. 1

In this episode I take a look at the first (grade 1/grado 1) exercise from Pozzoli’s “Piccoli Studi facili e progressivi”, found in Maria Grossi’s “Method for Harp” (page 90 in the edition I have).

If you’re looking for exercises the entire book has lots of good material, almost all of which can be played on a lever harp.

If you’re looking for more videos on exercises, check out episode 39: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-39-exercises-arpeggios-scales-and-more/

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Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 256 – Left handed/one handed exercises on the harp

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Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

What to do if you have an injury/can’t play with one hand for awhile? I offer up a few ideas, exercises, and pieces, with a focus on the left hand, as it tends to not be as accomplished as the right hand so it can be worth doing some left hand work regardless of whether you can play with both hands or not!

I mention the Lariviere exercises and Bochsa’s 50 etudes – they can both be found at the harp archives.

Ep. 252 – Practicing harmonics – a harmonic etude

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Harmonics on the harp really benefit from sustained practice, but often pieces only have a few harmonics. In this episode I use a very easy setting of a Bach Chorale that I did several years ago (episode 181) and turn it into an etude for harmonics!

I’ve done many videos on how to play harmonics over the years: https://www.harptuesday.com/harp-tuesday-ep-9/

And here’s the episode on the Bach Chorale – my discussion of the phrasing and dynamics apply whether you’re playing it with harmonics or not! https://www.harptuesday.com/ep181/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 197 – Godefroid’s Etude in E minor arr. for lever harp

A viewer did this excellent adaptation for lever harp of the theme from Felix Godefroid’s Concert Etude in Eb Minor. In this episode I introduce you to the piece and look at how to play it.

You can download it for free (account registration needed) at https://musescore.com/user/30597084/scores/6352144

I did a look at the pedal harp version (sheet music available for free at https://archive.org/details/etudedeconcerten01gode/page/n3/mode/2up ) in Harp Tuesday episode 65: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-65-la-source-and-etude-de-concert/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne