Ep. 292 – Creating a clean sound on the harp with left hand muffling (featuring Bach’s Prelude for Lute)

To get a clean sound on the harp we often need to use the left hand to muffle – whether it be a single note or a certain region.

By working on pieces that incorporate various LH muffles at specific places during the piece you can start to training your left hand to be able to automatically know when and how to muffle.

For more on muffling, check out these episodes.

I’m using my arrangement of the Bach Prelude for Lute in C minor BWV999 as an example – if you want to play it yourself I’ve arranged it for both lever and pedal harp (though muffling is a bit more challenging on the lever harp since there are a lot of lever changes going on 🙂

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 283 – How to play two handed trills on the harp

Here’s a look at how to play two handed trills on the harp, including some slow motion footage. If you want to work on trills you might also check out these other Harp Tuesday and Slow Motion Monday videos.

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 265 – Standard Interval Fingerings

There’s a standard fingering to use for any interval. Of course you don’t always have to follow it (especially if you have particularly small or large hands) but it’s worth knowing about – as well as the reasoning behind it.

You can download a PDF showing these typical fingerings here.

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 258 – Grossi/Pozzoli exercise no. 1

In this episode I take a look at the first (grade 1/grado 1) exercise from Pozzoli’s “Piccoli Studi facili e progressivi”, found in Maria Grossi’s “Method for Harp” (page 90 in the edition I have).

If you’re looking for exercises the entire book has lots of good material, almost all of which can be played on a lever harp.

If you’re looking for more videos on exercises, check out episode 39: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-39-exercises-arpeggios-scales-and-more/

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 256 – Left handed/one handed exercises on the harp

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

What to do if you have an injury/can’t play with one hand for awhile? I offer up a few ideas, exercises, and pieces, with a focus on the left hand, as it tends to not be as accomplished as the right hand so it can be worth doing some left hand work regardless of whether you can play with both hands or not!

I mention the Lariviere exercises and Bochsa’s 50 etudes – they can both be found at the harp archives.

Ep. 254 – A fundamental finger exercise

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In this episode I demonstrate a fundamental ability on the harp – being able to play any finger while all four fingers are placed in a row.

This can lead to exploring further finger independence work: https://www.harptuesday.com/category/finger-independence/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 252 – Practicing harmonics – a harmonic etude

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Harmonics on the harp really benefit from sustained practice, but often pieces only have a few harmonics. In this episode I use a very easy setting of a Bach Chorale that I did several years ago (episode 181) and turn it into an etude for harmonics!

I’ve done many videos on how to play harmonics over the years: https://www.harptuesday.com/harp-tuesday-ep-9/

And here’s the episode on the Bach Chorale – my discussion of the phrasing and dynamics apply whether you’re playing it with harmonics or not! https://www.harptuesday.com/ep181/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 248 – Staccato notes on the harp, featuring Debussy’s “Girl with the Flaxen Hair”.

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

In this episode I answer a viewer’s question about playing ascending intervals, and how to make them staccato, specifically in the end of Debussy’s Prelude No. 8 (“La fille aux cheveux de lin/Girl with the Flaxen Hair”).

I’ve done lots of other episodes on muffling and dampening over the years: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-24-muffling-and-dampening-techniques/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

My music video of the Debussy:


Ep. 247 – 4th finger muffling technique

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Here’s a technique that you can use to “slide” your fourth finger along a previously played string to muffle it on the way to playing the string above it. Very useful to have in your bag of tools!

I’ve done lots of other episodes on muffling and dampening over the years: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-24-muffling-and-dampening-techniques/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 245 – Accent! A scale exercise

In this episode I take a look at a scale exercise from Renie’s Method for Harp that works on accenting different fingers – always useful!

Other Harp Tuesday episodes featuring scales: https://www.harptuesday.com/category/scales/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz



Ep. 238 – Grip the strings – fundamental harp technique.

I love the feeling and sound that gets created by firmly gripping the harp strings – putting quite a bit of one’s fingers on the strings. In this episode I give a close up (and slow motion) look at how far I put my fingers between the strings.

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz


Ep. 235 – A simple placing exercise for the harp

This simple (but not easy!) exercise is particularly good for a number of things, but particularly for working on placing all 4 fingers on the way down, rather than walking the fingers down one at a time. Hope you find it useful!

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Ep. 230 – Muffling and lever changes

A look at the technique I use to muffle a string before changing its lever.

I’m using as an example Bach’s Prelude No. 1 in C major, which is a fantastic piece to practice lever changes and muffles. Lots of arrangements for lever harp exist, including in my book “Transcriptions for Lever Harp”.

If you’re my patron at the $3+ level you can get a free copy of my arrangement of the Prelude.

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at https://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Ep. 228 – A 1 minute chord exercise!

Happy New Year! To start off the year, here’s a short exercise that is a great candidate to turn into a daily goal for 2022.

Want to hear more about my thoughts on goals, process, and more? Watch this conversation with Victoria at Talking Harps: https://youtu.be/XiuWoEmfF3M

I’ve covered many other aspects of playing chords in various Harp Tuesday episodes: https://www.harptuesday.com/category/chords/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Ep. 225 – Finger independence featuring Nordic Spaces

Placing all four fingers but only playing 2 at a time – featuring a section from my composition Nordic Spaces.

This type of finger independence can be extremely handy! For more, check out Harp Tuesday episode 23, plus page 32 from Betty Paret’s First Harp Book and/or the first set of the Lariviere exercises.

Sheet music for Nordic Spaces is available at https://www.joshlayne.com/store/?product=nordic-spaces-downloadable-sheet-music-pdf

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Ep. 224 – how to play open thumb/“étouffé”

In this episode of Harp Tuesday I demonstrate how to play open thumb/“étouffé” notes – useful for muffling and/or for getting a staccato sound.

I’ve done many other Harp Tuesday episodes on muffling.

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter at http://eepurl.com/nBSlz

Ep. 220 – Harp fingering principles, featuring “The Wind that Shakes the Barley”

A look at harp fingering principles, through the lens of figuring out fingerings for a traditional Irish reel – The Wind that Shakes the Barley.

Want a copy of the leadsheet with my final fingerings? Get it for free (plus a bunch of other music) by signing up for my email newsletter! https://mailchi.mp/bcfffee4008e/barleyleadsheet

https://thesession.org/ is a fantastic free resource for traditional Irish music.

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 219 – Muffling Technique on the harp (Featuring Bach’s C sharp minor Prelude)

Placing on a string not to play it, but to muffle it, is an excellent option in certain passages. Here, I demonstrate it using a two bar section from Bach’s Prelude No. 4 (C sharp minor) from the Well-Tempered Clavier.

More videos on muffling on the harp: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-24-muffling-and-dampening-techniques/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 218 – An Arpeggio Drill

In this episode I demonstrate how to use a metronome that is gradually speeding up to practice arpeggios. Also check out this episode on arpeggios: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-39-exercises-arpeggios-scales-and-more/

The metronome I’m using is “pro metronome”:
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eumlab.android.prometronome

Apple https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pro-metronome-tempo-beat-subdivision-polyrhythm/id477960671

I did a similar episode featuring rolled chords: https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-185-rolled-chord-drills/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 214 – Playing descending thirds with a thumb slide

In this short technique episode, I give a look at how to playing descending 2 note chords (3rds, 6ths, etc.) using a thumb slide – a technique that opens up the possibility of more speed than playing each chord individually.

You can also check out the in-depth episode I did on slides almost 10 years ago! https://www.harptuesday.com/ep-27-slides/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 192 – Playing a left hand harmonic+chord (at the same time)

How to play a left hand chord with a harmonic on top. I talk about the various chords+harmonics in Godefroid’s take on “The Last Rose of Summer”.

The pedal harp sheet music can be found at https://archive.org/details/ladernirerosedtm00gode/page/2/mode/2up

I’ve arranged it for lever harp as part of my new book, “Transcriptions for Lever Harp”: https://www.joshlayne.com/store/?product=transcriptions-for-lever-harp-volume-1-downloadable-sheet-music-pdf

More videos on harmonics: https://www.harptuesday.com/harp-tuesday-ep-9/

Support from my patrons helped make this video possible: https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 190 – How to play the opening Mordent from Bach’s Toccata and Fugue

The mordent that starts the Toccata and Fugue in D minor is one of the most recognizable openings in all of classical music. In this episode of Harp Tuesday I talk about two possible fingerings – one that I feel is ideal for this type of pattern, and the other, that I ultimately ended up using 🙂

Watch my performance of the Toccata and Fugue:

Buy the sheet music at https://www.joshlayne.com/bachtoccata/

Ep. 185 – Rolled Chord Drills

Play along with me as I do some rolled (broken) chord practice on the harp!

I’m using a metronome app called Pro Metronome (thanks to viewer Keven for his suggestion!) and its “practice mode” to very gradually speed up the pace. Link below, though note that practice mode is a paid upgrade. Do you have a favorite app that does something similar? Let me know in the comments!

Android link
Apple link

Ep. 180 – 8 note chord progressions

A look at eight note (four notes per hand) chord progressions, using the opening of Naderman’s First Sonata as an example. (You can find the sheet at the harp archives).

Such a useful thing to automatically be able to do! Here are a few other Harp Tuesday episodes that touch on chords and chord progressions: https://www.harptuesday.com/category/chords/

Ep. 170 – Playing fast ornaments (featuring “The Nightingale”)

In this episode I talk about how choosing a fingering that focuses just on a fast ornament or section and then comes off, even if there are additional notes after the ornament, can be a useful approach. I use two sections from Deborah Henson-Conant’s “The Nightingale” to demonstrate what I mean.

Sheet music for “The Nightingale” can be found at DHC’s website https://www.hipharp.com/

Ep. 162 – Playing a smooth left hand pattern in FaurĂ©’s Pavane

In this episode of Harp Tuesday I use the left hand pattern in Kim Robertson’s arrangement of FaurĂ©’s Pavane to talk about three things to do to make an up and down left hand pattern sound as smooth and flowing as possible.

Kim Robertson’s Celtic Harp Solos is an excellent book. Your favourite harp music retailer will probably have a copy (or could obtain one for you). For example: https://gourd.com/robertsonbooks.html

It’s also available as a PDF download: https://harpcolumn.com/music/all-music/artists/kim-robertson/celtic-harp-solos/



Ep. 161 – Relax! Staying relaxed while playing the harp

Relaxation is so important when playing any instrument – both for speed and to remain injury and pain free. Making sure your fingers don’t stay clenched into the palm when they aren’t playing is one key to staying relaxed. In this episode I talk about how to achieve that (including using a rubber band as an aid!) and demonstrate how it looks.

Ep. 122 Fundamental exercises on the harp – chord progressions

In this episode oI talk about chord progressions and working on the ability to automatically go up and down a chord sequence (root, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion). As a companion to this episode you might find these two episodes helpful:



Ep. 9 Harmonics

In this episode I talk about harmonics:

Over the years I’ve done a bunch of further videos on harmonics:

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helps make continued Harp Tuesday episodes possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 8 Broken/rolled chords

In this episode I talk about how to play one of the quintessential sounds on the harp – the rolled or broken chord:

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helps make continued Harp Tuesday episodes possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 7 Your second harp lesson!

Your second harp lesson. In this episode I talk about playing multiple notes at the same time (chords) and some fingering basics (connecting, etc.)

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helps make continued Harp Tuesday episodes possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 6 Pedal changes + changing two pedals with one foot

In this episode I look at pedals changes, and how you can change two pedals with one foot. (Plus a follow up video)

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helps make continued Harp Tuesday episodes possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne

Ep. 4 Your first harp lesson!

Your first harp lesson! I talk about some basics to get you started playing the harp:

Get free sheet music and stay up-to-date on what I’m doing by signing up to my email newsletter!

Support from my patrons helps make continued Harp Tuesday episodes possible – if you would like to help support future videos you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/joshlayne