Ep. 243 – Four tips for using forScore (iPad+sheet music).

I use the app forScore when reading music on my iPad (and I love it). Here are four things I’ve discovered over the years that I thought were worth sharing!

1. Save sheet music in a cloud service first, then download it from the cloud service into forScore for extra backup/redundancy. (Here’s how to backup your forScore data that is on your iPad, something else you should do regularly! https://forscore.co/kb/backing-up/ )

2. Single tap to turn pages, rather than a swipe. Some pluses and minuses to this, I think, but to my mind it’s the fastest and most efficient way to turn pages. Set this in the “gestures” options under settings.

3. Make use of the multi-finger gestures. I have a two-fingered tap set to do a half-page turn, a great timesaver if I’m in full page turn mode but want to see both the end of the current page and the start of the next page. I also like the (default) option of a single finger long press to enter edit/annotation mode. Set this in the “gestures” options under settings.

4. Using bookmarks to “extract” a portion of a many-paged pdf file. You can use the bookmark tool to make it easy to navigate to certain areas of a book or long pdf. In addition, once you’ve tapped on a bookmark, you can go to “rearrange” and have the option to save just those bookmarked pages as a separate pdf!

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More episode featuring forScore and using a tablet for sheet music: https://www.harptuesday.com/category/forscore-ipad/